Friday, July 13, 2007

Audio Blogs to Blogger #3

Gabcast! Audio Blogs to Blogger #3


Liz Kolb, Ph.D. said...

Hi Mary
I think your vision of using cell phone conferencing with parents is a potential solution to many problems in education with parent communication. One feature I really like about the Gabcast or other sites like this one is that it will record the conference (great documentation for teachers). I could even envision teachers recording class sessions and then absent students could simply listen to the audioblog of the class, rather than asking you to catch them up. I know I would often find it frustrating trying to keep track of what days my 120 high schoolers missed.

Janice said...

My first thought after listening to your blog was, "What would be the advantage of an audioblog for a parent conference over a simple conference call?" After reading Liz Kolb's response, I see that the audioblog does give you a recording of the conference. I am wondering, would one have to warn parents that the conversation is being recorded? If so, how would parents feel about that? Would it make them uncomfortable? I know sometimes it makes me uncomfortable knowing that my words are being recorded.